Report Identifies CaliBaja's Key Industries

The region known as “CaliBaja” has grown into an important trade hub – especially in audio-visual manufacturing – according to a new report designed to look at opportunities for ways to integrate the economies of San Diego, Tijuana and surrounding communities.

The report titled "Jobs without Borders: Employment, Industry Concentrations, and Comparative Advantage in the CaliBaja Region" took jobs in each industry and compared the totals with other regions within the U.S. and Mexico.

The study found 41 industries in CaliBaja that have strong capacity for export-oriented manufacturing including audio-visual, medical supplies, communications equipment and hardware manufacturing.

The report was published by the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the University of California, San Diego's School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, the Colegio de la Frontera Norte and the Cali-Baja Mega-Region Initiative.

To view the full “Jobs without Borders: Employment, Industry Concentrations, and Comparative Advantage in the CaliBaja Region” report, go here.

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