Humpback Whales Mark Hump Day to Remember: Crew

"Capt. Dom" had a whale of an adventure Wednesday

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A whale-watching crew got a lucky glimpse at a massive mammal showing off Wednesday, taking Hump Day to a whole new level.

The Instagram account called “Gone Whale Watching” posted a video from a crew’s trip Wednesday morning, showing what they said was a humpback whale breaching.

Breaching is when a whale leaps out of the water, exposing most of its body – which typically reaches a few dozen feet long.

The Instagram account said the crew was “waaaay offshore” San Diego.

Gone Whale Watching said two whales “repeatedly approached our boat at astonishingly close range” for more than an hour.

The Instagram account added, “It’s important to note that this interaction was entirely up to the animals, and that we simply sat in neutral as these inquisitive beauties expressed their curiosity towards our boat.”

The crew sure had a whale of a time, with many passengers frozen with excited or shocked expressions, according to the posted video.

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