Experts Say Fight Financial Hackers the ‘Old School' Way

Going low tech for privacy

Today it seems like every app and website wants to store your username and password, but maybe that's not such a good idea.

"If you are remembering your username and password on your cell phone and don't have a lock screen on that phone, God forbid, you lose that phone, whoever finds it has access to everything," said Christina Gustin with UBS Financial.

Convenience comes at a price and that price could be making your financial information vulnerable to hackers. So what should you do to remember your passwords?

"I write mine down," said Gustin, "I'm old school, I've got them on paper."

Hackers are not breaking into your house looking for passwords, they are trying to find them online.  That's why this UBS Account VP says writing them down and storing the information in a safe place may be your best defense.  It also may encourage you to change your password more often, something few people actually do.

Another old school approach is to have phone conversations rather responding to investment offers through email or online.

"I think one of the best lines of defense, especially when it comes to transactions, is to pick up the phone and make a phone call," said Gustin.

She said many hackers will use bogus emails to trick clients out of personal and financial information.  By calling your broker or financial advisor on the phone, you can avoid falling for scams.

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