San Diego

City of San Diego to Survey Resident Satisfaction

A new survey mailed this week will determine how satisfied San Diego residents are with city services.

The San Diego Resident Satisfaction Survey was sent to random households and can be completed online or mailed back.

Participants will be asked to rate a variety of City programs and staff and offer their priorities of public services. The results will be measured against the survey completed in 2015.

Two years ago, 5-page surveys were mailed to residents in each of the city’s nine council districts.

Of those surveyed, 87 percent gave the city positive ratings as a place to live. When asked if San Diego is a great place to work and raise a family, however, the positive ratings dropped to 64 percent and 76 percent respectively.

Less than half (47%) of the people surveyed were satisfied with the services provided by the city of San Diego. Residents were least satisfied with the maintenance of streets, sidewalks, and infrastructure

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