Border Angels Bless New Anti-Border Wall Mural in Chicano Park

The Border Angels, a local nonprofit organization that advocates for human rights and immigration reform, blessed a new mural during their annual Palm Sunday service in Chicano Park Sunday. 

The mural was first commissioned nine years ago, but executive director and founder Enrique Morones says back then they didnโ€™t have enough money.

โ€œSince November 8 things have changed,โ€ he tells NBC 7. โ€œPeople are outraged, more volunteers, more funds. So we commissioned this mural called โ€˜No Border Wallโ€™ ... Weโ€™re totally opposed to the wall โ€ฆ We know that the wall kills people."

Morones says that in the last five years more people are actually leaving the United States than are coming in without papers.

The mural also says โ€˜love has no borders.โ€™

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