First Dog Coming to the White House Soon

First Lady says they've chosen a breed

The Obama family has picked the breed -- and maybe even the name -- of that much-promised pooch for Malia and Sasha.

A Portuguese Water Dog is about to take up residence in the White House, according to People Magazine.

In addition to settling on a breed, First Lady Michelle Obama said the family wants it to be a rescued pooch, People reported.

"Temperamentally they're supposed to be pretty good," she told People in an exclusive interview that hits newstands Friday. "From the size perspective, they're sort of middle of the road โ€“ it's not small, but it's not a huge dog. And the folks that we know who own them have raved about them. So that's where we're leaning."

The Portuguese Water Dog -- or Portie for short -- are usually black with white spots and have shiny, curly hair. They are touted to be athletic and trainable with a pleasant disposition. That all sounds really nice -- but what are they going to name it?

Malia and Sasha have dreamed up some names -- none of which are doing it for the First Lady.

"You listen and you go โ€“ like, I think, Frank was one of them. Frank! Moose was another one of them. Moose. I said, well, what if the dog isn't a moose? Moose. I'm like, no, come on, let's work with the names a little bit," Mrs. Obama told People.

Michelle Obama said the family will wait until at least April to get the girls their promised pooch -- but the girls, of course, want it ASAP.

With all of the serious issues her husband has dealt with in his first weeks in office, Michelle Obama admitted she was a little surprised about all the hoopla and interest surrounding the presidential pooch.

"One of the things I didn't anticipate is the level of the excitement about the dog, " Obama told People. "I knew my kids were excited. They've been excited for years. They've even calmed down, because they feel like, 'They said we're going to get one, so let's just shut up about it.' "

"It's all great and gracious attention," the First Lady said. "People are just being as helpful as you can imagine. So I know that we will find the perfect breed. And we'll find people who are caring folks who will help us find the dog of our dreams."

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