Border Patrol Captures Cloned County Truck Near Calexico Station

Border Patrol arrested six illegal immigrants and detained one U.S. citizen in connection with the fake County truck.

El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents caught a driver in a fake Imperial Irrigation District (IID) truck, that was possibly used for smuggling illegal immigrants, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

They made the discovery of the cloned IID truck near the Calexico East Port of Entry Monday night, a city in Imperial County about 122 miles east of San Diego.

The driver of the truck, an 18-year-old United States citizen, was taken into the Calexico Border Patrol Station for further investigation and questioning, according to CBP. Shortly after detaining the driver, the agents arrested six illegal immigrants suspected of being involved with the cloned vehicle.

β€œThe vigilance that our Border Patrol Agents display is vital in defeating criminal organizations and their astute smuggling tactics,” said Chief Patrol Agent Rodney S. Scott, in a statement.

Border Patrol agents received an internal radio notification at about 7:37 p.m. that a group of individuals entered the U.S. through one of IID's hydro-electric plants stationed across the All-American Canal, an 80-mile long aqueduct.

When agents arrived at the scene, they observed a truck donning IID logos parked near the location where the suspected illegal immigrants were found, according to BBP. A brief investigation revealed that the truck was a cloned IID and the decals were counterfeit.

The driver of the cloned vehicle spoke with agents, and admitted to being involved in an immigrant smuggling scheme. Border Patrol agents then alerted the Imperial County Sheriff's Office, who sent an officer to impound the truck for displaying a fictitious license plate.

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