Governor to Sign Bill Protecting Victims of Spousal Sexual Assault

Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing of the ‘Atkins Bill’ will protect victims of spousal sexual assault from financial demands from their exes

Thanks to the signing of a new bill, victims of spousal sexual assault are now more protected against their exes when it comes to demands for spousal support.

The Center for Community Solutions announced Governor Jerry Brown’s signing of the ‘Atkins Bill’ Friday, also known as AB 1522.

The bill prevents those convicted of violent sex crimes against their spouse from forcing their victim to pay spousal support following a divorce.

The bill was inspired by local spousal rape victim Crystal Harris, a Carlsbad woman who was forced to pay more than $100,000 in lawyer fees to an ex-husband accused of raping her.

“It hurt, and it was humiliating. And for me, I couldn’t let it stand,” said Harris. “I do not want any other woman to have to go through what I went through, and now with Governor Brown’s signature, that won’t happen.”

At a conference held Friday evening at the Center for Community Solutions on Mission Bay Drive, Harris said she was thankful to everyone who supported her through the process of getting the bill signed.

Assemblymember Toni Atkins along with San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis were among the attendees at Friday’s conference in support of AB 1522.

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