Androids Vs. iPhones: Tech Blogger Weighs In

Because of increasing similarities, switching between the two no longer a tough choice

With the release of the iPhone 6 slated for Friday, it’s time again for smartphone users to consider which phone is the smartest choice.

This time around, choosing between an iPhone or Android, or switching between the two, may not be as big of an undertaking, according to tech blogger Juan Carlos Bagnell.

Unlike late 2008 and 2009, when switching devices meant music files might be restricted or email accounts did not always transfer smoothly, operating systems are slowly merging, both in appearance and internal hardware, Bagnell said.

The last time Apple rolled out a new iPhone, research showed that a fifth of new users came from Android phones.

If you are going to switch to a new device, Bagnell recommends having a "digital date" with the phone, sitting down and getting to know it.

Bagnell added that there will still be accessory differences, and to be prepared to pay extra for docking stations and the like if switching types.

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