
Woman Says Contaminated Fuel Damaged Her New Car

A woman claims a gas station in Santa Clarita sold contaminated fue that caused thousands in damage to her car. Beverly White reports for the NBC4 News on Friday, Aug. 2, 2019.

When you go to the gas pump you expect that what you put in the tank won't damage your car.

But Ju Hui Yoo claims that a gas station in Santa Clarita sold contaminated fuel that caused thousands in damage to her new BMW X3.

The fuel pump and spark plug will need to be replaced, she said.

"It contaminated the fuel tank," she said. "Don't know if it's damaged the engine itself."

Yoo blames the tankful of gas she pumped last Saturday at a Shell Station at Via Princessa and Sierra Highway. She said that Monday when her husband was starting the car to go to work, it didn't start.

After their diagnostics on Wednesday the service adviser said they found some diesel mixture in the gasoline. On Friday, all but the 87 grade pumps remained offline.

Los Angeles County Weights and Measures responded to conduct inspections.

"This happens on rare occasions, where there will be some contamination often because of leakage," said Ken Pellman, of the LA County Weights and Measures. "We're still investigating for this particular location."

Shell Oil Products US confirms the tank at the Shell branded station was emptied and cleaned.

It is referring consumers to Speedway Customer Service, saying "day-to-day site operations are the legal responsibility of the wholesaler, site owner and/or operator."

This driver is hopeful someone makes her whole and soon. "It's frustrating for me to come down here," Yoo said. "It's all unnecessary."

Shell's full statement:

"Shell Oil Products US takes product quality very seriously. On July 31st, it was discovered that gasoline product sold at the Shell branded outlet at 18802 Via Princessa in Canyon Country, CA may have been contaminated. When the dealer that operates the station learned of this issue, the dispensers were immediately closed to customers and the tank was emptied and cleaned. Consumers who purchased gasoline at the Shell branded outlet listed above and believe they are experiencing vehicle issues related to their purchase are encouraged to contact Speedway Customer Service at 1-800-643-1948.

"The Shell retail fuels business in the U.S. primarily supplies quality motor fuels to independent wholesalers and licensees who operate under the Shell brand and sell Shell-branded fuels. So while the name on the sign reflects the brand of the motor fuel being sold on the premises, the day-to-day site operations are the legal responsibility of the wholesaler, site owner and/or operator."

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