Mira Mesa

SDFD Knocks Down Brush Fire in Mira Mesa That Was Threatening Homes

The brush fire was reported near Black Mountain Road and Mercy Road

NBC Universal, Inc.

NBC 7’s Monica Dean has more details on the brush fire that came dangerously close to homes in a canyon in Mira Mesa.

San Diego Fire-Rescue managed to knock down a brush fire that was threatening some homes in Mira Mesa along a canyon.

The brush fire is reported in a canyon near Black Mountain Road and Mercy Road.

Homes along the canyon off Polaris Drive were threatened until a helicopter dropped some water and stopped the immediate threat, SDFD tweeted.

"We are sending crews to Capcano [Road] to protect structures there and bringing in more crews," SDFD said.

SDFD said at around 2:20 p.m., the fire was about two acres with a moderate rate of spread. By 3:05 p.m., SDFD reported having knocked down the main body of the fire.

SkyRanger 7 was at the scene at around 2:30 p.m., showing the fire dangerously close to some homes. Firefighters were seen in the backyards of those homes with water hoses.

A helicopter was also seen making multiple drops of water. Poway and Miramar Fire Departments and Cal Fire assisted in the fire fighting.

SDFD said crews will remain in the area for a couple of hours watching for hot spots.

No details released on what caused the fire.

NBC 7's Monica Dean has more details on the brush fire that came dangerously close to homes in a canyon in Mira Mesa.

No other information was available.

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