San Diego

3 School Districts Close Campuses Due to Inclement Weather

Jodi Kodesh’s AM Forecast for February 22, 2018

More than 450 students in Julian were granted a snow day Tuesday due to inclement weather.

Officials said that despite scarce snowfall in the area, weather conditions presented considerable dangers on the roadways and keeping students at home was still the right decision.

The National Weather Service issued a frost advisory from 10 p.m. Monday until 9 a.m. Tuesday in parts of the region where temperatures will be in the upper 40s.

County officials said that many students in the area catch the bus as early as 6 a.m. before the rising sun has a chance to melt ice left on the roads. Buses don't handle the region's winding roads quite like cars can especially when they're icy, so closing schools for the day was a must.

According to the county, 459 students in the Julian Union School District, Julian Union High School District and Warner Unified School District campuses were given the day off.

Julian Library Branch Manager Colleen Baker has been driving roads in town for years and knows how dangerous they can become following a frosty night.

"Going down Banner Grade, ice is a lot more prevalent because the areas never get sun," Baker said.

Parts of Banner Grade run through a valley between two hillsides lined with trees, offering snow and ice shade cover from the sun.

Baker said another library employee fish-tailed her vehicle at least once driving up the highway.

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