4,3,2,1 — Direct Hit

San Diego commander oversees missile test in Pacific Ocean

KAUAI, Hawaii -- The Navy completed its first successful intercept of a ballistic missile target over the Pacific Ocean during Fleet Exercise Pacific Blitz, military officials said.

This is the first time that the Navy had command and control of the event.  Prior to this, it was in the hands of the Missile Defense Agency.

Vice Adm. Samuel J. Locklear, Commander of the U.S. Third Fleet oversaw the exercise.  Locklear is based out of Point Loma.  The Standard Missile-3 test was launched from Barking Sands in Kauai, Hawaii. 

“Pacific Blitz highlights the successful transition from developmental test flights to operational fleet execution," Locklear said.

The energy released from the impact is equivalent to the force released when a ten-ton truck traveling at 600 miles per hour hits a wall, the Navy said. Extensive analysis of the flight mission will be used to improve the deployed Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system. 

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