All I Want for Christmas Is…

When Pacific San Diego Magazine asked local San Diegans what the best gift they could receive this season would be. From world peace to hot and steamy celebrities, here’s what they had to say:

“How about a three-month rainy season,” NBC 7/39’s, Susan Taylor said, “San Diegans making and spending money again; education -- first and foremost; affordable healthcare; my chubby dog, Chewbacca, mysteriously loses five pounds; the green flash seen nightly off the coast; record snowfall in the Sierras; the orthodontist says may son doesn’t need braces; San Diego County Schools and charities look for ways to spend surplus; and the Chargers build a new stadium downtown. If that’s not possible…I’ll settle for World Peace. If that’s not possible, how about the Chargers in the 2010 Super Bowl!”

I'm sure San Diegans wouldn’t mind that either.

“Mario Lopez in a bow?” joked Geena the Latina, co-host of the AJ in the Morning show on Channel 933 FM, “Just kidding. Honestly, as long as my family and friends are healthy and I get to see them every holiday season for the rest of my life, I’m good.”

Some locals didn’t want any gifts at all.

“Don’t gift me anymore!” said Audrey Geisel, widow of Ted Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, “I don’t need anything.”

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