San Diego Bay

Ahoy! Pirates Seize the Bay for Holiday Performance

Kiddos arrr in for a treat at the Maritime Museum of San Diego

Visit California/David Collier

Yo-ho-ho it's a Pirate's Life for children of all ages at the Maritime Museum of San Diego.

The hidden treasure of the holiday season may be the return of "Boarded!" an interactive live pirate show.

Pirates will take the Maritime Museum's deck Saturday, Nov. 27 and Sunday, Dec. 26.

Hop onboard the pirate ship and join the ship's crew, learn how to navigate the rolling seas, sword fight with your siblings, escape from the King’s Jail, and keep your ship afloat.

Shows are 90 minutes and check-in times are at 10:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. 

Maritime Museum of San Diego

Tickets to the pirate performance are available at $60 for adults and $25 for children ages 12 and under. 

General admission to the Maritime Museum of San Diego is an additional $10 per person.

Want tickets? Just find the X... it marks the spot! Hardy har har!

For a much easier hunt, you can visit the museum's website here.

Looking to set sail sooner?

The museum is offering a "Ghost Ship" experience this Halloween.

Adventurers and sleuths ages 12 and under can work together to solve the Mary Celeste mystery Halloween weekend.

Board the official tall ship of the state, Californian, and learn from one of the museum’s resident storytellers.

Listen carefully to uncover clues before solving the case. The museum’s curatorial team will be taking a look at answers and one lucky winner will be selected before Thanksgiving.

The winner will receive a Maritime Museum of San Diego Tall Ship Adventure four--hour sail experience for four people.

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