8 SD Musicians With the Coolest Jobs

After the show's over, musicians go back to their day jobs -- and some are cooler than others

Rock stars have it all: They get to drink copious amounts of alcohol, bite the heads off of bats, trash hotel rooms, race fancy cars, light guitars on fire -- it’s all in a day’s work. They’re just living the dream, right? Wrong. Most musicians aren’t living a life of luxury, and, sometimes, they’re struggling to get by. We’re also pretty sure the decadent days of David Lee Roth, Motley Crue and Led Zeppelin are finished.

Regardless, when the show’s over, the fans clear out and a band loads its gear out of the venue, reality sets in. Back to the day job. While a lot of musicians find employment as bartenders, record-store clerks, retail workers and as waiters and waitresses so they can work within a flexible schedule, there are some living their dream off the stage. Here are some examples of the cool jobs a few of our favorite local musicians are working. If you know of others, let us know in the comments below -- we’re always looking for ways to support our local peeps!

  • Erik Canzona: While not knocking out soul, jam-band rock songs with the Heavy Guilt or playing solo (his latest release joined our SoundDiego Record Club), Canzona co-owns Paws Play, which is a pet-care service providing daily walks, hikes, dog-park visits, one-on-one playtime and care for your furry babies while you’re away.
  • Erika Davies: Davies has one of the greatest voices around (and a new album coming out in January), but it’s not the only thing she’s got going for her -- she also runs her own Etsy store as a seamstress and designer. Have a look at her custom creations, using raw and reclaimed materials, right here.
  • Greg Peters: We just saw Greg and his Dead Feather Moon cohorts at SoundDiego LIVE at the Office on Halloween (watch ‘em again here), and we’re always impressed by their all-out rock assault. When he’s not shredding guitar, Peters is the cellar manager at Saint Archer Brewing Company here in San Diego. We have a feeling this guy is super popular at parties.
  • Austin Prince: Prince heads up the hard blues rock band Hit Dog Hollar (who just released a new single, “Devil Don’t Dance,” featuring Sonny Sandoval from P.O.D.) when he’s not working as the “assistant to the assistant to the neck guy” (according to his Facebook page) at Deering Banjos. We might have to start calling him Austin Schrute from here on out.
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