Brent Green Introduces ‘Gravity' to San Diego

Sundance Film Festival-honored multimedia artist Brent Green will bring his feature film Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then to San Diego's Museum of Photographic Arts on Sunday.

Green has put together an all-star band -- including Brendan Canty (Fugazi) and Howe Gelb -- to play a live soundtrack to the film, which is based on the true story of Leonard Wood, a man who built an entire "healing house" for his cancer-stricken wife. For the film, the ever-creative Green built a full-scale town in his back yard: "five houses, a handmade working piano, a huge glowing moon, and a giant, wooden, fully functioning God."

Having seen him perform the live soundtrack to his films on multiple occasions, I can say with surety that Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then will be like nothing you've ever experienced. Sound good? Get your tickets here.

In anticipation of the show, Green also told us a bit about his influences:

1. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr: Vonnegut was the greatest. I didn’t send him my films ever, thinking that if Vonnegut laughed at my films, it would cripple me.

2. Vic Chesnutt: That dude made some perfect records. A few of them. A bunch of them. Skitter on Take Off is maybe the best parting album of all time.

3. Thomas Edison: I made everyone working with me read an Edison biography. Everyone hated me for a couple weeks there.

4. Chris Adrian: Gob’s Grief floored me. The Children’s Hospital disoriented me. I felt lost in my own house for days. Someone should ruin these books by turning them into disastrous movies. Chris Adrian should be rich.

5. Drew and the Medicinal Pen: I’ve been wondering when these guys will get famous. Please go and listen to "Me + Sarahbellum."

T. Loper is a writer and photographer for the San Diego music blog Owl and Bear.

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