A Celebratory Clean-Up with the Clean Beach Coalition

The Fourth of July holiday in San Diego isn’t complete without backyard barbeques, 70-degree weather and plenty of beach days. However, the San Diego Clean Beach Coalition is anticipating the aftermath of the holiday, an aspect of the festivities that sometimes gets overlooked - the trash.

To raise awareness and avoid pollution issues on the beaches, the CBC has collaborated with local environmental organizations, community groups and government agencies for the fourth year in a row.  A collaboration reasulting in nearly $15,000 has been raised to purchase 110 temporary trash bins and 90 recycling bins which will be placed around Ocean Beach, Mission Beach, Mission Bay Park, and Pacific Beach during the Fourth of July and Labor Day holidays.

Teaming up with Sun Diego, the CBC is sponsoring “The Morning After Mess” beach cleanup on July 5, 2011 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Ocean Beach Pier, Belmont Park, Pacific Beach Drive, and Ponto Beach, and South Harbor Jetty. The annual event is a couple hours dedicated to beautifying San Diego’s shoreline and reducing the amount of waste that ends up on the beach and in the ocean.

This holiday weekend, the CBC suggests steering clear of Styrofoam and single-use plastic cups and bottles, while encouraging reusable bottles, Tupperware and reusable coolers for a more eco-friendly beach area. So remember, for the future of San Diego’s environment, celebrate Independence Day plastic-free this year!

For more information on "The Morning After Mess" event, visit http://sandiego.surfrider.org/the-morning-after-mess for details and to find out how to help.

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