Cardiff Kook Drawn Into Prankster's Web

Another day, another makeover for San Diego's own Cardiff Kook.

This time, the Encinitas statue appears to have been attacked by a spider, complete with a spider web.

The public artwork has been the source of a steady stream of pranks since it was put up in 2007. Last month, the Kook was dressed in Chargers gear, and, on Veterans Day, the statued sported Marine fatigues to honor the troops.

The surfing statue, located off South Coast Highway and Chesterfield Dr. and created by artist Matthew Antichevich, has been the source of a steady stream of pranks since it was first erected in 2007.

Many people feel the statue, and more specifically, the surfer's pose, is not representative of the local surfing community. Cardiff surfers say the bronze surfer, officially called the "Magic Carpet Ride," lacks proper from, including limp wrists and arms extended at odd angles.

Over the years, the surfer has been dressed up in evening gowns, bikini tops and skirts, and even a wrestling mask. During Halloween, it was adorned with a giant pumpkin head. But the most notable prank was in July, when locals made a giant papier-mâché shark that swallowed the statue.
The papier-mâché shark took about two weeks for a group of 25 friends to put together the "Jaws-like" creature made out of newspaper, wood and chicken wire. A group of more than a dozen moved it across a two-lane highway in the early morning hours without getting caught. It took the city more than 48 hours to remove it.

An NBC San Diego Exclusive: We've talked in the past to the mastermind behind one of the greatest pranks in San Diego history. Now, see exclusive behind the scenes video of the prank and find out how the culprit is paying back for his joke, Saturday night on the News at 11 p.m.

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