Trying To Learn Twitter

A self proclaimed "cyber-idiot" tries his hand at 140 characters or less

I'm 34 years old.

I've never purchased a cell phone or other mobile device in my life.  

I'm not the kind of guy who takes easily to new technologies.  

However, a bunch of people told me about this Twitter thing.  They say it's awesome, their lives have been changed because of it, they're so much more up to date on what's going on the world I'm dumb if I don't get on it.  So, succumbing to the peer pressure, I tried it (@Derek739 if you're interested).  

So far I totally don't get it.

I tried following a whole bunch of people but that was information overload so I unfollowed most of them.

Now people are following me, but I have no idea what they'd like me to Tweet.  Nor do I know how often a tweet is expected.  

I mean, will those loyal followers feel betrayed if I don't update at least a few times a day?  

I work in the NBC San Diego sports department, but do the Tweets have to have a sports slant?  Can they be about a great new recipe?  Or what the dog did at the park?  I need guidelines, because there really aren't any.

So, I'm asking for tips.  Any Twitter experts out there, please let me know the rules (or at least the strongly suggested advice) to help this cyber-idiot wade through the world of online abbreviated social networking.  Do it through Twitter, or just a regular old e-mail:

I thank you in advance for your help!

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