Chargers Players On Twitter

Fans, they want to hear from you

Since Twitter found it's niche in the social media world several years ago, reporters, fans and players alike have enjoyed the free rein (within 140 characters, of course) it gives them to express themselves.

Reporters love it because they can link their followers to stories quickly and hook you with just a few intriguing details of their story.

Fans love the proximity it gives them to their favorite athlete. With just one "@" sign you can ensure that your favorite athlete can read exactly how you feel about their play, their attitude, their personal life, etc.

But just because they can see it, doesn't mean they always do.

Linebacker Shaun Phillips has more than 436,000 followers on his Twitter page. If even half his followers tweeted him in one day it would be nearly impossible for him to do anything else with his day if he wanted to reply to all of them.

Despite their large number of followers the players love Twitter and the access and freedom it gives them as well.

So often in a locker room they have to go by an agenda. Whether it's their public relations staff, their coaches or the reporters. Rarely do they get the chance to talk about what they want, they just answer questions.

With Twitter, players interact with the fans in a way that was never possible before. They can ask your opinion on dinner places, one of offensive lineman Antonio Garay's favorite questions.

Chargers tight end Antonio Gates posts contests on his Twitter page where fans can tweet him to win jerseys and tickets.

Phillips loves his Twitter and uses it multiple times a day.

In the guest blog on the Chargers website he said, " I love that you just get to say whatever you want to say. You get to have your own opinion without having to deal with what reporters or commentators think you mean. You get your point across and make a connection all by yourself."

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