After a Swing, It's Lettuce Wraps for All

Briny Baird stood 268 yards from his target. So what club did he pull? A 9-iron. Don't laugh. It worked.

The PGA Tour pro was standing on top of the Omni Hotel downtown, 34 stories up. His target was sitting right where Brian Giles usually stands, in right field at PETCO Park some 230 yards away. Baird had 10 shots to hit the bullseye. He only needed one.

Briny's first shot landed in the middle of the target. He went ahead and hit the remaining 9. In all, 8 of them hit the bullseye. P.F. Chang's will donate 17,000 dollars to the San Diego Navy Marine Corps Relief Society.

Since he hit the target, P.F. Chang's will offer everyone in the country a free order of their signature Lettuce Wraps.

This challenge, pretty random but fun, also benefits the San Diego Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society. P.F Chang's will donate up to $25,000 to the organization, based on where the balls land. For inner ring landings, a $1,000 donation will be made per ball. OUter ring landings will bring in a $500 donation.

Go to the P.F. Chang's website after the event to receive a coupon. The offer will be valid at any restaurant through June 14. You have to purchase an entree for this offer to be valid.

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