A Toast to Tonight's Beer Summit

President Obama could be on the right track by mixing politics and brewskis

It's high time the media bellied up and began reporting cocktail menus associated with historical meetings.

We deserve to know that when President Barack Obama sits down at the White House picnic bench on Thursday night with the white Cambridge police officer who arrested a black Harvard professor on his own property, the prez will make it a Bud Lite, the cop a Blue Moon and the prof will pop open a Red Stripe, mon.

Cheers to social lubrication during high-powered confabs. The world might be a better place if heads of state discussed treaties and such during happy hour. We'd likely agree on unilateral nuclear disarmament by last call.

It's a widely under-reported rumor that before General George Washington crossed the Delaware during the Revolutionary War, he passed out Red Bull and blackberry brandy shots to his men. I've also heard Bill Clinton served Long Island Ice Teas during intern briefing meetings. And once, George W. Bush put down his Shirley Temple, got distracted and accidentally picked up and drained Dick Cheney’s Mind Eraser.

Let’s mix politics and booze responsibly, though. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad needs to be cut off. And Sarah Palin can’t be served more than two Sex on the Beach shooters before any public speaking appearance.

But, hey, bartender, mix up a batch of Pre-Existing Conditions for our pals at the healthcare insurance companies. Send a round of Bipartisan Body Shots to both houses of Congress. And I’ll have whatever Joe Biden is drinking.

Even the economy looks better after a couple belts.

Ron Donoho is a regular contributor to NBCSandiego.com and a contributing editor to sandiego.com. His Web site (sandiegoDTOWN.com) is dedicated to news, sports, culture, happy hours and all things downtown.

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