Zuckerberg Eats State Legislator for Dinner

You may have heard that the famous Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has promised not to eat meat this year unless he kills it first.

Which made me wonder if California State Sen. Ellen Corbett, a San Leandro Democrat, is on his menu.

Facebook, after all, just killed Corbett's very reasonable bill to give users of Facebook and other social media services greater power to control what personal information about them is available online.

The bill was an opt-in meausure that would have forced people to set privacy settings as they register for social media sites; instead, these services have defaults that allow personal information to be visible unless users take the initaitive to have it hidden.

But Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others fought back, arguing that such restrictions would limit their freedom to "innovate." Such innovation involves figuring out ways to use your personal data to make money.

That's cold-blooded, Mr. Zuckerberg. 

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