Yosemite Summer Reservations Are Opening

"Peak-hours reservations" for the national park's busiest season will be available soon; get the details now.

Yosemite National Park

What to Know

  • "Peak-hours reservations" for Yosemite National Park open at 8 a.m. PDT on Wednesday, March 23
  • Yosemite visitors will need a reservation to enter from May 20 through Sept. 30, 2022
  • Tour group guests and regional transit system riders do not require a separate reservation, nor do visitors with lodging reservations or wilderness permits (but those guests will pay the entrance fee)

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK? The word "timeless" is often employed to describe its epically ethereal qualities, and "eternal" is often heard, too, thanks to the fact that the park's granite giants have seen eons. But among Yosemite-adoring humans? Those terms that imply that our hours have no meaning shouldn't be taken to heart, at least when it is time to plan a trip to one of the planet's waterfall-iest wonders. For reservations for the park's busiest months must be made, meaning we must glance at our calendars and clocks, then act swiftly. And that moment of urgency has nearly arrived: "Peak-hours reservations" can be made for May 20 through Sept. 30, 2022, starting at 8 in the morning, Pacific Daylight Time, on Wednesday, March 23. That's when the Yosemite Reservation System opens to all who'd like to visit the national park from 6 a.m. to 4 in the afternoon, starting on May 20.

GOOD TO KNOW? There are some important asterisks to this system. For example? If you're entering the park with a tour group, or as part of a regional travel system (think the popular YARTS), you will not require a separate entry reservation. And if you've got a wilderness permit or a booking at one of the park's hotels, like The Ahwahnee? You're good to go (though you'll still pay the entrance fee at the gate, keep in mind). And while not every reservation slot will open on March 23, 70% of the available spots for May 20 through Sept. 30 will. As for the remaining reservations? "Thirty percent of reservations will be available seven days before the arrival date (e.g., make a reservation for an arrival date of September 30 on September 23)," says the national park team on the official Yosemite NPS site. An important recommendation? Making an account on Recreation.gov before signing on to reserve on March 23, so you're totally primed to reserve when reservations open.

YOUR BEST BET? Read up on all you need to know before planning your adventure to this timeless, eternal expanse of ultimate gorgeousness, a place where days long past and the far, far future seem to exist in a single shared space. Surely you get poetic over Yosemite, too? If so, it might be time for a soul-lifting stop-by. And if you're stopping by from May 20 through Sept. 30, 2022, you'll want to reserve. Get the details now.

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