Winning the Lottery Isn't a Ticket to Happiness

Hoping the record-setting Powerball will be your ticket to the good life? Sorry: Money, even $800 million, won't necessarily buy happiness, experts say, NBC News reported.

"The perception is that you're never going to worry about money again. In fact, you're going to have to worry about it more than you ever, ever have before," Paul Golden, a spokesman for the Denver-based non-profit National Endowment for Financial Education, said.

While most people anticipate feeling excitement and elation after a financial windfall such as a lottery win, few are prepared for the anxiety, distrust, guilt and fear that come with it. The greatest predictor of how successfully people manage their newfound money is how well they manage the emotions tied to it, Golden said.

But the emotions can be challenging, especially when a sudden influx of cash changes relationships with family, friends and even strangers.

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