White House Aides Used Personal Devices, Private Emails for Official Work: Reports

Advisors ignored requests to store personal devices or leave them at home, according to Politico

Jared Kushner denies that he had any ties to Russia during President Trump’s election campaign.

White House aides regularly used personal devices for official business, while at least six close advisers to President Donald Trump occasionally used private email addresses, both Politico and the New York Times reported on Monday, citing anonymous sources.

Former chief of staff Reince Priebus tried to stop the "rampant" use of personal devices for official business, CNBC reported. He asked aides in a July meeting to store personal phones in secure lockers or leave them at home, Politico reported, citing meeting attendees.

Priebus' request was largely ignored, the Politico report said, citing six current and former administration officials, advisors and people who correspond with the White House.

The New York Times also reported, citing current and former officials, that at least six of Trump's closest advisers used private email addresses for White House business.

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