Who Spoke the Most on the First Night of the Democratic Debate?

"They're giving her (Elizabeth Warren) more time than all the other candidates combined," tweeted Tulsi Gabbard's sister

Ten minutes into the first Democratic debate on Wednesday night, while six of the 10 candidates had still yet to speak, Elizabeth Warren was asked her second question.

And just like that, the spotlight wasn't just on what the candidates would be saying, but how much time they'd have to say it. 

Not long after that, Hawaii Sen. Tulsi Gabbard's sister Vrindavan had some thoughts about the time distribution, and tweeted it out on Gabbard's account

"...They aren't giving any time to Tulsi at all. -V (Tulsi's sister)"

In the end, Warren didn't take up the most time - she spoke for 9.1 minutes, third behind New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker (10.82 minutes) and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke (10.25 minutes). Gabbard got in almost 6.68 minutes of talk time. 

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee had the least time, at 4.83 minutes.

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Bonus: Watch Videos of the Full Remarks for Each Candidate at the Democratic Debate Night 1

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