
Watch Everything Each Candidate Had to Say at Democratic Debate Night One

Check out the videos below to see everything the Democratic presidential hopefuls said

Catch up on the full remarks of each of the 10 candidates from night one of the first Democratic debate in Miami, Florida, on June 26. And click here to see everything each candidate had to say on night two

Elizabeth Warren

Listen to everything Elizabeth Warren said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Key Quote: "So the way I understand this, it's there is way too much consolidation now in giant industries in this country. That hurts workers. It hurts small businesses. It hurts independent farmers. It hurts our economy overall. And it helps constrict real innovation and growth in this economy. Now, look, we've had the laws out there for a long time to be able to fight back. What's been missing is courage, courage in Washington to take on the giants. That's part of the corruption in this system."

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? Climate change

Beto O'Rourke

Listen to everything Beto O’Rourke said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? Climate change

Key Quote: "So getting to guaranteed, high-quality, universal health care as quickly and surely as possible has to be our goal. The ability to afford your prescriptions and go to a primary care provider, to be -- the ability to see a mental health care provider. In Texas, the single largest provider of mental health care services is the county jail system today. And health care also has to mean that every woman can make her own decisions about her own body and has access to the care that makes that possible."

Cory Booker

Listen to everything Cory Booker said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? Nuclear proliferation, climate change

Key Quote: "I live in a low-income black and brown community. I see every single day that this economy is not working for average Americans. The indicators that are being used, from GDP to Wall Street's rankings, is not helping people in my community. It is about time that we have an economy that works for everybody, not just the wealthiest in our nation."

Amy Klobuchar

Listen to everything Amy Klobuchar said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? China, Iran

Key Quote: "There is a much bigger issue in addition to that, and that is pharmaceuticals. The president literally went on TV, on Fox, and said that people's heads would spin when they see how much he would bring down pharmaceutical prices. Instead, 2,500 drugs have gone up in double-digits since he came into office. Instead, he gave $100 billion in giveaways to the pharma companies. For the rest of us, for the rest of America, that's what we call at home all foam and no beer. We got nothing out of it."

Julián Castro

Listen to everything Julian Castro said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? China, Climate change

Key Quote: "If I were president today, I would sign an executive order that would get rid of Trump's zero-tolerance policy, the remain in Mexico policy, and the metering policy -- this metering policy is basically what prompted Oscar and Valeria to make that risky swim across the river. They had been playing games with people who are coming and trying to seek asylum at our ports of entry. Oscar and Valeria went to a port of entry, and then they were denied the ability to make an asylum claim, so they got frustrated and they tried to cross the river, and they died because of that."

Tim Ryan

Listen to everything Tim Ryan said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? China

Key Quote: "We have a perception problem with the Democratic Party. We are not connecting to the working class people in the very states that I represent in Ohio, in the industrial Midwest. We've lost all connection. We have got to change the center of gravity of the Democratic Party from being coastal and elital -- elitist and Ivy League, which is the perception, to somebody from the forgotten communities that have been left behind for the last 30 years, to get those workers back on our side so we can say we're going to build electric vehicles, we're going to build solar panels."

Tulsi Gabbard

Listen to everything Tulsi Gabbard said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? Nuclear war

Key Quote: "The Taliban was there long before we came in and they'll be there long before we leave. We cannot keep U.S. troops deployed to Afghanistan thinking that we're going to somehow squash this Taliban that has been there, that every other country that's tried has failed. ... The Taliban didn't attack us on 9/11, al-Qaida did. Al-Qaida attacked us on 9/11. That's why I and so many other people joined the military -- to go after al-Qaida, not the Taliban."

Jay Inslee

Listen to everything Jay Inslee said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? Donald Trump

Key Quote: "And I know to a moral certainty, if we do not have the next president who commits to [the climate crisis] as the top priority, it won't get done. And I am the only candidate -- frankly, I'm surprised. I'm the only candidate who's made this commitment to make it the top priority. If you join me in that recognition of how important this is, we can have a unified national mission. We can save ourselves. We can save our children. We can save our grandchildren. And we can save literally the life on this planet. This is our moment."

Bill de Blasio

Listen to everything Bill de Blasio said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? Russia

Key Quote: "The way that American citizens have been told that immigrants somehow created their misery and their pain and their challenges, for all the American citizens out there who feel you're falling behind or feel the American dream is not working for you, the immigrants didn't do that to you. The big corporations did that to you. The 1 percent did that to you. We need to be the party of working people, and that includes a party of immigrants."

John Delaney

Listen to everything John Delaney said during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Miami, FL.

Biggest geopolitical threat to the United States? China, Nuclear weapons

Key Quote: "Listen, I will sign into law bills that come to the White House that are passed on a party-line basis, absolutely. But all the big transformative things we've ever done in this country's history have happened when huge majorities of the American people get behind them, which is why we need real solutions, not impossible promises. We need to put forth ideas that work, whether it's on health care, creating universal health care so that every American gets health care, but not running on making private insurance illegal."

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