Trump Retweets User Calling Him a Fascist, New CNN Attack Meme

The White House didn't immediately respond to a request for comment

President Donald Trump retweeted a pair of inflammatory tweets Tuesday morning before deleting them about 20 minutes later: one in which a user called the president a fascist and another in which a train bearing Trump's name hits a person tagged as CNN, NBC News reported.

Both tweets were sent in response to a "Fox & Friends" tweet, already retweeted by the president, reporting that Trump is considering a pardon for former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

@MikeHolden42 replied, "He's a fascist, so no unsual," quickly drawing hundreds of retweets. The other tweet was sent by @SLandinSoCal, and came with the caption, "Fake news can't stop the Trump Train." 

The White House has so far not explained the "Trump Train" tweet on the record. One White House official, requesting anonymity, offered this: "It was inadvertently posted and as soon it was noticed it was immediately deleted."

Trump was criticized in early July for retweeting an edited video showing him wrestling a figure with the CNN logo superimposed on top, and the violent imagery in @SLandinSoCal's post comes days after a counter-protester was killed at a white supremacist rally when a car drove into a crowd.

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