Trump Keeps Settling Primary Scores as Campaign Struggles to Pivot

The Trump team has expended considerable energy over the past few weeks normalizing and building out the bare bones operation for the general election

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has dedicated a lot of time in his recent speeches and rallies to rehashing past primary contests and attacking fellow Republicans, NBC News reports.

On Friday, Trump spoke at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver about his defeat in Colorado, how Indiana turned out to be his firewall and that he was robbed of delegates in Louisiana. Consistently throughout the week, Trump lauded his historic primary accomplishment, telling crowds that he earned the "most votes in the history of the Republican primary system.”

The Trump team has expended considerable energy over the past few weeks normalizing and building out the bare bones operation for the general election.

But for every sound bite that fits a pivot to the general, Trump adds another that looks back at his past successes and slights those in his party who have yet to fall in line.

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