There's About 500,000 Apps for That

What is 500,000 divided by infinity?

Whatever the percentage works out to that is the odds that the iPhone app you are looking for exists.

Apple's popular App Store has reportedly just passed the 500,000 approved apps mark for its iOS devices.

By comparison, Android had received 100,000 app applications by last July for its Android Market.

The Cupertino-based company passed the milestone early Tuesday morning. Still while there are about 500,000 approved apps, customers can only download about 400,000 right now. The rest are yet to hit the App Store.

There are still some interesting statistics that can be gleaned from the achievement, including word that Apple gadgets gobble up about 80 percent of mobile video.

PC Mag reports:

...there are 85,569 developers working on iOS apps; the average price of a paid app is $3.64, while 37 percent of apps are free.

Of all those approved apps, how many are actually useful?

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