The Costliest U.S. Metro Areas to Raise a Kid

If you struggle to make ends meet each month, just be thankful you don't live off the Massachusetts coast.

It now costs a two parent, one child household $85,160 a year just to get by in Nantucket or Duke Counties. But that figure doesn’t include savings or discretionary spending.

NBC analyzed data compiled by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), which used the cost of necessities like housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and taxes for more than 600 U.S. metropolitan areas to come up with its totals.

Here are the three most expensive metro areas by annual expenditures on necessities, according to the index. (Figures are for a two parent, one child household and do not account for savings or discretionary spending.)

1. Nantucket-Dukes Counties, Massachusetts: $85,163

2. Washington, D.C.: $81,783

3. Stamford-Norwalk, Connecticut: $79,496 

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