Susan Sarandon Slams Social Media Trolls Blaming Her for Trump Victory

'Never knew i was that powerful,' the actress quipped to those blaming her for Clinton's loss.

Susan Sarandon has two simple messages for social media users who have been trolling her since Donald Trump won the presidential election.

Get a life. And get over it.

The actress/social activist was an ardent supporter of Bernie Sanders early during the campaign season and refused to get behind Hillary Clinton during the presidential campaign. She eventually voted for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

But apparently some feel her lone vote swayed the election. Sarandon took to Twitter to point out the folly of that logic.

Susan Sarandon recalls her experience filming the “Saturday Night Live” digital short “Motherlover,” where Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg play two sons who propose sleeping with the other’s mom.

Sarandon listed the litany of celebrities who threw their support behind Clinton, including Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, George Clooney and Beyonce... compared to her lone vote for Stein.

"Never knew I was that powerful," she quipped.

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