Scanned, Sealed, Delivered: Local Amazon Packing Plant Hums on Cyber Monday

On what might be the busiest online shopping day of the season, an Amazon shipping plant in San Bernardino sent out thousands of packages at high speed.

The facility took in 426 orders per second, an Amazon spokeswoman said, some to be delivered to homes on that same day -- Cyber Monday.

"We gotta get those boxes out quickly so everyone can have their presents for Christmas," packer Caroline Bell said.

Following in the footsteps of Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, tech-related items are discounted on shopping sites across the Internet on Cyber Monday.

It means big business for -- last year over 36 million items were ordered on the site.

Called a "fulfillment center" by the company, the San Bernardino shipping center is the size of 28 football fields, with 8 miles of conveyer belts and 2,00 employees, according to Amazon spokeswoman Pia Arthur.

Tablet computers and wearable technology are big sellers. To get them to consumers, much of the plant's operations are automated, but pickers continue to play an important role at the 24-hour facility.

"As soon as the customer order their items online, those items come into our scanners," said Elaine Underwood, another packer.

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