Santa Cruz

Roaring Camp boasts railroad adventures aplenty, by moonlight and sun

This longtime Santa Cruz-close charmer offers a plethora of ways to choo-choo, summer-style.

Education Images/Roaring Camp

What to Know

  • Roaring Camp Railroads in Felton
  • The Redwood Forest Steam Train and the Santa Cruz Beach Train are two popular choices
  • Specialty trains, like the Moonlight Dinner Party and Father's Day Brew Train, are on the summer 2023 calendar

TRAINS... are at the chugga-chugga hearts of so many thrilling tales, the sorts of stories that kids have curled up with over countless summers. And while such fantasy yarns have been savored on both the page and screen, with books and movies taking youngsters on train journeys in faraway and/or fantastical landscapes, finding those real-world adventures can prove to be a stickier wicket. And yet? It is summer, and the days are short, and the memory-making window is now open wide. And if you have a tot that is train-mad, the sort of little one who said "choo choo" before most other words, prepare for your kid to live their steam, er, dream, at Roaring Camp Railroads near Santa Cruz, a place that is synonymous with scenic steam train travel.

ROARING CAMP, which California train buffs have been choo-choo-sing for six decades now, offers some classic outings, the Redwood Forest Steam Train (look up, way, way, way up) and the beautiful beach train to sunny Santa Cruz (the mood is always sunny, even if the marine layer is luscious). Those are perenially popular draws, it is true, but the old-timey charmer has special events throughout the calendar. Consider the Moonlight Dinner Party, which is casting its beams a few times over the summer of 2023, and the Father's Day Brew Train, set for June 18. And Fourth of July at the attraction? Always nostalgic and patriotic and full of community joy. For the full calendar, and to choo-choo-se which summer adventure fits your family's interests the best, lay tracks for this site pronto.

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