Pro-Trump Robocall Says ‘Don't Vote for a Cuban'

Donald Trump previously disavowed the white nationalist super PAC behind the calls.

A white nationalist super PAC has a new independent robocall campaign urging voters in Minnesota and Vermont not to vote for a “Cuban” and instead support Donald Trump. NBC 6’s Jamie Guirola reports.

A white nationalist super PAC has a new independent robocall campaign urging voters in Minnesota and Vermont not to vote for a "Cuban" and instead support Donald Trump.

Trump is battling Cuban-Americans Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz for the Republican presidential nomination.

The robocall, which says it wasn't authorized by Trump, was released by the American National PAC and the group's founder, William Johnson, who describes himself in the call as "a farmer and white nationalist."

"The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called 'racist,'" Johnson says in the call. "Donald Trump is not a racist, but Donald Trump is not afraid. Don't vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump."


Johnson spoke briefly with NBC 6 about the message. He stands by his opinion that a Cuban should not be president and said the decision to blatantly say "Don't vote for Cubans," was to save time and money.

"You have one minute to do a robocall, because if you go over a minute, it costs us more money and both of his competitors are Cuban. So you can say 'Don't vote for a Cuban' and you can get a lot more, meaning both Cruz and Rubio," Johnson explained.

The Rubio campaign fired back: "This is an outrageous robocall that Donald Trump should immediately repudiate and demand that this group cease its operations. This is the lowest form of campaigning, and is the exact same type of dirty tricks Donald Trump has been decrying for weeks now."

Cruz's campaign did not immediately return a request for comment Wednesday.

Last month, voters in Iowa received robocalls from the super PAC encouraging them to vote for Trump. Trump disavowed the super PAC after it released the Iowa calls, according to the Daily Beast.

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