Trump's New Office for ‘American Victims' Draws Criticism, Support

"I think that office is ridiculous," Sen. Chuck Schumer says

President Donald Trump, in his first address to Congress on Tuesday, announced he's establishing a new office within the Department of Homeland Security to protect "American victims" of crimes committed by people who are in the country illegally.

He said the office is called VOICE: Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement.

"We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests," he said.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer reacted to the announcement Wednesday by calling the move "ridiculous" and anti-immigrant.

"Obviously we want to go after all criminals," he said on "CBS This Morning." "The overwhelming majority of immigrants are law-abiding. They want to be part of the American dream and most Americans agree with that. So to put an office like this out there shows how anti-immigrant this president is. Of course we want to go after the criminals. We want to go after all criminals no matter who they are." 

The announcement was also denounced online by many who have opposed Trump's actions on immigration. That elicited a heated response from his supporters. 

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