Political Aggregators Outflank Facebook, Twitter

Pop quiz hot shot: What websites push the most traffic to news sites that isn't a search engine?

Thinking Twitter or Facebook? Think again. Google +? Negative.

Instead a new study finds that political aggregratos The Drudge Report and The Huffington Post are two of the largest traffic aggregators to content sites, according to a study by Outbrain.

The right-leaning and left-leaning aggregation sites come in fourth and fifth place respectively, ahead of both Twitter and Facebook, after search sites Googele, Yahoo and a combination of MSN's Bing and Live.com.

The study found that Drudge was responsible for driving 6.85 percent of traffic to sites in Outbrain's publisher network, which includes sites such as The New York Times, The Atlantic, Mashable and MSNBC.

The Huffington Post was responsible for 4.43 percent of traffic to those sites. By comparison, Twitter drove 1.69 percent of traffic to those site during last quarter and Facebook drove 1.07 percent.

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