U.S. Missiles Blast Tripoli, Ragtag Rebels Retreat

U.S. ships and submarines launched nearly two dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets in and around Tripoli, including Col. Moammar’s Khaddafy’s residence, late Monday and early Tuesday. But Libyan rebels were forced into retreat at Khaddafy's central hometown of Sirte, a setback that emphasizes how the opposition is still struggling against the strongman's superior power. A rebel spokesman said for the time being they have been able to stave off pro-Khaddafy forces from Misrata, a port city west of Sirte. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked for the international community to apply diplomatic pressure on Khaddafy to step down, explaining that combative force alone will not oust the dictator. NBC News reported the U.S. has spent $321 million on 214 Tomahawks since the mission began.

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