Take a Peek at Ke$ha's Stint on “The Simple Life”

"I'm not a swanky b----," she said

Ke$ha went from wallflower on "The Simple Life" to worldwide pop sensation.

The 22-year-old pop star appeared soft-spoken and camera shy on the hit reality TV show "The Simple Life" hosted by Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie during an early brush with fame.

"That was my mum's idea," she told PopEater last week. "She just decided to call [the show's producers] because she's attracted to interesting, different experiences. They chose us because we're the most eccentric family in Nashville." 

The singer said she wasn't impressed by her time spent with the celebutants. 

"We were hanging out at their house a little bit," she told PopEater. "It was with some guy. It's all for TV, whatever. I went out two nights later to a gay bar and saw him dancing around topless with another man. That's reality television for you." 

Ke$ha said she worked with Hilton again when she moved to Los Angles -- but things didn't go over so well.

"I ended up kicking it with her for a minute," she said. "To be frank, I went to her house party and didn't talk to anybody and ended up dancing around by myself. Then I got kicked out for being a bit too rowdy. I'm just not a swanky b----. I'm the antithesis of her." 

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