Evil Don Johnson “Introduced” in “Machete”

Don Johnson's twisted lawman is one of the great parts of the critically acclaimed blood-fest "Machete.' But his billing in the credits  was as confusing as it was humorous. The "Miami Vice" star and acting veteran received an "introducing" credit next to his famous name.

Director Robert Rodriguez tells PopcornBiz that the clear joke was Johnson's idea as the two talked about the credit billing. It was particularly hard since Johnson was such a late addition to the film.

"We were discussing it and (Johnson) said, 'why not introducing?' " Rodriguez tells us with a laugh. "I thought, 'Perfect.'"

The two have been friends ever since Rodriguez, then an actor, shot a guest appearance on Johnson's CBS sitcom  "Nash Bridges" (which also starred Cheech Marin who makes a memorable appearance in "Machete").

When Johnson agreed to come on board for "Machete," most of the specialized credits -- the "with" the "and" and the "featuring" which actors like to have so much --  were taken.

"It was cast, cast, cast then it was 'with' Jessica Alba and Robert De Niro, Those were already contracted out," says Rodriguez.

"But I want to give (Don Johnson) something because I'm such a huge fan and I've worked with him before," says Rodriguez.

"Introducing" is also a great laugh when it appears on screen. But then again, we've also never seen Don Johnson so evil before onscreen, so maybe it was truly appropriate.

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