Israel-Hamas War

Mexican gymnastics team trapped in Israel, plead for safe return home

The National Team was in Israel preparing for the Pan American Games when war broke out, leaving them stranded.

The Mexican National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team made a request to the Mexican government on Monday for their safe return home after being caught in the middle of the war between Israel and Hamas, leaving them stranded.

The team's coach, Blajaith Aguilar, said on her Instagram account that the team was well and safe.

The National Team traveled to Israel to a preparation camp for the upcoming Pan American games.

On Saturday morning, the insurgent group, Hamas, launched multiple attacks against Israel, firing thousands of missiles.  

“Tensions and concerns have taken over our environment, and given the seriousness of this situation, flights have been canceled, leaving us without the immediate possibility of returning to our Mexico,” Aguilar said. “Given this panorama, we call and strongly request support from our government so that we can safe and healthy as soon as possible to our homes.”

The video shows six gymnasts inside a room at the preparation camp.

“We are well, and we are safe. All your messages keep us strong and hopeful that we can be back home soon,” Aguilar said.

 Since the post was published, it has received more than 8,000 likes and hundreds of messages.

“Everything will be fine. Mexico is waiting for you” wrote @lepe.joel.

@martha_hickman said, “Take care! We wish for your safe and quick return. May God protect you.”

 @diana.sil.9 wrote, “We will keep praying for all of you so that you can come home safe and well as soon as possible.”  

Aguilar thanked SEDENA, Conade and the FMG (Mexican Gymnastics Federation) for being in contact with them. She also thanked everyone for their prayers and messages of support.

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