Mayer's First Yahoo Memo

Armed with deep Yahoo contacts, All Things D is reporting it has Marissa Mayer's first company-wide memo from its new CEO.

The opening sentence ends in an exclamation point -- and it's not one tied Yahoo!'s official trademark.

The gist is that employees should stay the course, to continue working on the project's already underway (with rare exception, Mayer writes).

There is an overt nod to the interim CEO Mayer replace, Ross Levinsohn. Word in the Valley is that retaining Levinsohn would be a coup for Mayer -- and for Yahoo.

The company has been through a lot of change in the past few months, leaving many open questions around strategy and how to move forward. I am sensitive to this. While I have some ideas, I need to develop a more informed perspective before making strategy or direction changes. In the meantime, please do not stop. You are doing important work. Please don’t stop.

Click here to read the full memo.

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