Large Tree Limb Falls on Cupertino Home; No Injuries Reported

A portion of a large tree fell on top of a house in Cupertino Saturday night, but everyone in the home managed to walk away unscathed, according to the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office. Marianne Favro reports.

A portion of a large tree fell on top of a house in Cupertino early Sunday morning, but everyone inside the home managed to walk away unscathed, according to the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office.

The section of the tree was roughly 60 feet long and about 6 feet in diameter, the sheriff's office said. It caused severe damage to a home on Newsom Lane, including caving in the roof and destroying the front door.

A Bay Area tree specialist spokesman said the tree likely came down because of old age and heavy weight on the protruding limb.

Crews worked all day Sunday to begin removing the tree and said it likely wouldn't be cleared completely until Monday.

Further information was not immediately available.

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