Hillary Clinton Declares ‘Black Lives Matter' in Facebook Chat

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Monday that black people in America continue to face racism in their daily lives, using the popular slogan of the Black Lives Matter movement in a question-and-answer session on Facebook.

Calling racial inequality a "hard truth," Clinton suggested several ways to address inequality in a post that began "Black lives matter," though she didn't endorse the movement outright.

"Black lives matter. Everyone in this country should stand firmly behind that," Clinton wrote in the Facebook chat.

She said so after being asked by a Washington Post reporter what she would have said to Black Lives Matter protesters who interrupted two of her rivals for the Democratic nomination at a conference over the weekend.

Former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley was booed for initially replying "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter," and he later apologized.

Clinton supports all U.S. police departments receiving body cameras and providing low-level offenders alternative options to incarceration, she said in her post.

During the Facbeook chat, Clinton also said that, as president, she will push for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants and prosecute Wall Street financial firms and individuals who work there "when they commit fraud or other criminal wrongdoing - because no one is 'too big to jail.'"

Clinton answered a few questions on the lighter side, too. Asked what her favorite pantsuit is to wear – she's become associated with the businesswear – Clinton wrote: "I never met a pantsuit I didn't love."

And how does the former secretary of state, senator and first lady feel about being a grandmother? "IT'S THE BEST THING EVER!" she said.

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