Health Insurance for Pets: Here's What to Know

The nonprofit organization Consumer's Checkbook analyzed policies offered by a dozen insurance companies, and found that pet insurance isn't for everyone.

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Joseph Kaczmarek

Adopting a pet can change your life -- and your budget.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates that dog food costs about $300 annually for the average pet owner. About $225 a year goes to routine medical expenses, $185 goes to medication, and $97 goes to treats and toys.

On top of thoses costs, there are other fees for licenses, pet beds, clothes, accessories, and grooming.

That's why many people consider getting pet health insurance, to at least help with expensive vet trips. But how effective the insurance is all depends on the coverage and needs of your pet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pet Insurance

The nonprofit organization Consumer's Checkbook analyzed policies offered by a dozen insurance companies, and their analysis revealed that pet insurance doesn't always save owners money on veterinary appointments.

The reason is that most plans are quite expensive, according to Kevin Brasler of Consumer's Checkbook. Many of them charge up to $250 a month by the time the pet turns ten years old, the age when many animals really need veterinary attention.

For animals with few or moderate health problems, none of the policies Consumer's Checkbook looked at proved to be a good deal. But if your pet needs a lot of medical attention, insurance could be of great help.

What to Do If You Decide to Buy Pet Insurance

Brasler says pet owners should carefully read the health insurance contract, especially the fine print. This can help you avoid nasty surprises when you need to use your coverage, because not all plans are the same.

Try to avoid contracts where companies charge you high premiums and copays, and keep in mind that most plans don't cover pre-existing conditions.

If a pet owner feels more comfortable without heavy insurance coverage, they can opt for accident coverage. Those plans are cheaper and cover bills from big, unexpected veterinary visits.

Costs of Veterinary Visits

The cost of a vet visit varies from one office to the next, Brasler points out.

According to the Consumer's Checkbook, the most expensive care is not always the best. Their analysis highlights that some of the lowest priced veterinary offices received very high ratings from their customers.

This story originally appeared in Spanish on our sister station Telemundo 52's website. Para leer en español, haga clic aquí.

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