
Griffith Park Mountain Lion P-22 Appears Recovered After Poisoning

The big cat was on the mend in June after being treated for a skin disease

Los Angeles' favorite big cat looks to be back in good health after a poisoning incident earlier this year.

The mountain lion P-22, who inhabits Griffith Park and is known to wander the Hollywood Hills area, is seen in a new image appearing to be in good health, Senior Park Ranger Patrick Joyce confirmed. The photo was posted to the wildlife enthusiast website Griffith Park Trail Cam July 25.

National Park Service officials tracking P-22 found him sick and mangy earlier this year. He was believed to have ingested rat poison and gotten sick in late March.

P-22 was on the mend in June after being treated for a skin disease.

The poisoning prompted LA City Councilmen Paul Kretz and Tom LaBonge to call for a report on the use of rat poison in city parks.

The sale of extremely toxic rat poison has since been banned in California.

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