Facebook Getting Own App Store

It will be a "place to find social web, desktop and mobile apps" -- meaning all apps, not just Facebook apps.

Arriving a little late to the space, Facebook is launching The App Center, and it will show best-of-breed apps from iOS, Android, mobile and desktop apps, according to Venturebeat.com.

Both paid and free apps will be the Center. The cool thing (at least for Facebook) is that it can lay a user's social graph like a magnet over all the apps and surface those that are most relevant. If that app's a paid app, well, somebody might make some money on that revenue share, er, download.

A recent app that got the Facebook Treatment, and subsequent explosion in downloads, is Viddy. FB's CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a mention and boom -- a hockey-stick graphic of downloads.

Of course, Evernote got a similar treatment by being featured in an Apple ad, but the billion users on Facebook provide amazing potential.

The Center is in developer-only preview still, so how things will tap out on the mobile screens will have to wait -- especially since mobile was listed as a risk in Facebook's IPO.

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