'Day Without a Woman' Aims to Highlight Female Role in US Economy

Bajo alerta están los negocios de Pilsen tras dos robos violentos ocurridos en cuatro días y que la policía asegura que se podría tratar de los mismos sospechosos.

Some American women stayed home from work, joined rallies or wore red to demonstrate their economic clout Wednesday as part of a multitude of International Women's Day events held around the globe.

The Day Without a Woman protest in the U.S. was put together by organizers of the vast women's marches that drew more than 1 million Americans into the streets the day after President Donald Trump's inauguration.

The turnout this time appeared in many places to be far smaller. And there were no immediate estimates of how many women heeded the call to skip work.

A crowd of about 1,000 people, the vast majority of them women, gathered on Fifth Avenue in the shadow of Trump Tower to demonstrate. Women dressed in red and waved signs reading "Nevertheless she persisted," ''Misogyny out of the White House now" and "Resist like a girl."

Activists shout slogans in the streets during a protest commemorating the International Women's Day at Congress on March 8, 2017, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Indian women demonstration in self-defense during an event in New Delhi on March 8, 2017, on International Women's Day. Delhi police joined with World Vision India to train 200 women in self-defense.
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A woman leaves a flower and a paper on the ground during a protest on International Women's Day, outside of the Romanian Ministry of Justice, to draw attention to violence against women, in Bucharest, Romania, on March 8, 2017. The banner reads "If one falls, we all fall."
Kena Betancur/AFP/Getty Images
People take part during International Women's Strike Rally in Washington Square Park on March 8, 2017, on Manhattan, New York.
A driver with the women-only Paxi Pakistan taxi company sits in a Pink Taxi during a launching ceremony in Karachi on March 8, 2017, on International Women's Day. Paxi Pakistan is starting in Karachi with 10 drivers, referred to as "pilots," but intends to expand to Lahore and Islamabad in the next few months, said company CEO Sheikh Mohammad Zahid.
Rally for International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. Marchers were calling for de-colonization of Australia, an end to racism, economic justice for all women and reproductive justice, as well as supporting the struggle for the liberation of all women around the world, inclusive of trans women and sex workers.
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Bangladeshi activists and garment workers attend a rally in front of the National Press Club during International Women's Day in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on March 8, 2017.nSeveral women's organization demanded equal treatment, improvement of work safety conditions and measures to tackle violence against women.
Female activists demonstrate for International Women's Day on March 8, 2017, in front of the National Monument in Jakarta, Indonesia. Activists have demanded the government to guarantee equal rights for women, such as the right to get a decent job, the right to voice their opinions and the right to be able to protect women from violence and sexual abuse, to stop under-age marriages and other discrimination. The action was marred by clashes between police and mass.
A demonstrator attends the International Women's Day march at Istiklal Avenue in the Beyoglu district of Istanbul, Turkey on March 8, 2017.
A women protests outside a sex shop during International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. Women marched in Madrid to demand equal pay conditions and an end to domestic violence in Spain. Seventeen women were killed by domestic violence in Spain so far for 2017.
Activists shout slogans in the streets during a protest commemorating the International Women's Day at Congress on March 8, 2017, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, speaks at a news conference with House Democrats during a walkout on International Women's Day in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, March 8, 2017. The event is in a show of solidarity with the A Day Without A Woman strike and the importance of women workers to the economy.
Hani Mohammed/AP
Yemeni women hold a banner as they take part in a protest marking the International Women's Day in front of the U.N. building in Sanaa, Yemen, Wednesday, March 8, 2017.
Demonstrators take part in a rally during the International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Madrid.
Actress Anne Hathaway speaks during 2017 International Women's Day at United Nations Headquarters on March 8, 2017, in New York City.
Macedonian nationalists march to the parliament during a rally on Women's Day on March 8, 2017, in Skopje, Macedonia. The political crisis deepens as the president refuses to grant the socialist democrats with a mandate in order to form a government with the Albanian parties. European and NATO officials are pressuring the president to give the mandate to the parliamentarian majority formed by the socialist democrats and Albanian parties.
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Indonesian women write letters as they celebrates International Women's Day on March 8, 2017, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Policewomen in action during a drill at from Huishui County Public Security Bureau on March 7, 2017, in Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Huizhou Province of China. Huishui County Public Security Bureau in Qiannan will hold comprehensive policing activities on International Women's Day.
Policewomen in action during a normal drill at from Huishui County Public Security Bureau on March 7, 2017, in Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Huizhou Province of China. Huishui County Public Security Bureau in Qiannan will hold comprehensive policing activities on the International Women's Day.
Ukrainian policemen detain opponents of the march for International Women's Day in Kiev, Ukraine, on March 08, 2017.
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Bangladeshi activists and garment workers attend a rally in front of National Press Club during International Women's Day in Dhaka, Bangladesh on March 8, 2017.
Katharine Fullenkamp and her son Nathan, 2, gather of the east lawn of the Capitol for a rally with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other Democratic members after they walked out of the House Chamber to support of A Day Without A Woman rallies happening across the country, March 8, 2017. The rallies coincides with International Women's Day.
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A family from an urban poor community occupy a government housing unit to mark International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Bulacan, Philippines. Thousands of women, together with their families, from various urban poor communities led a coordinated occupation of vacant and idle government housing units in Bulacan province, north of Manila to assert their rights for free and mass housing which the group says the Duterte government failed to implement to date. According to authorities, there are 52,341 idle houses that were for police and military personnel, but only 8,327 are occupied.
Women from urban poor communities march toward a government housing to mark International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Bulacan, Philippines. Thousands of women, together with their families, from various urban poor communities led a coordinated occupation of vacant and idle government housing units in Bulacan province, north of Manila to assert their rights for free and mass housing which the group says the Duterte government failed to implement to date. According to authorities, there are 52,341 idle houses that were for police and military personel, but only 8,327 are occupied.
Thousands of demonstrators attend a rally for International Women's Day on March 8, 2017, in Melbourne, Australia. Marchers were calling for de-colonization of Australia, an end to racism, economic justice for all women and reproductive justice, as well as supporting the struggle for the liberation of all women around the world, inclusive of trans women and sex workers.
Palestinian women take part in a demonstration to protest sexual discrimination during the International Women's Day in front of the unknown soldier's monument in Gaza City, Gaza on March 8, 2017.
Participants hold candles and placards against U.S. President Donald Trump during a vigil to mark International Women's Day in Hong Kong on March 8, 2017.
Nigerian women gather to protest violation and sexual abuse against women during the World International Women's Day in Lagos, Nigeria, on March 8, 2017.
Thousands of demonstrators attend a rally for International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. Marchers were calling for de-colonization of Australia, an end to racism, economic justice for all women and reproductive justice, as well as supporting the struggle for the liberation of all women around the world, inclusive of trans women and sex workers.
Indonesian women perform dance during celebrates International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Women's Day was first marked in 1911 and celebrated each year on 08 March with thousands of events around the world by women's networks.
Thousands of demonstrators attend a rally for International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. Marchers were calling for de-colonization of Australia, an end to racism, economic justice for all women and reproductive justice, as well as supporting the struggle for the liberation of all women around the world, inclusive of trans women and sex workers.
Ukrainian feminists with placards in their hands march for woman rights,dedicated to the International Women's Day in Kiev, Ukraine, on March 8, 2017.
Nigerian women gather to protest violation and sexual abuse against women during the World International Women's Day in Lagos, Nigeria, on March 8, 2017.
Nigerian women gather to protest violation and sexual abuse against women during the World International Women's Day in Lagos, Nigeria, on March 8, 2017.
Bangladeshi activists and garment workers attend a rally in front of National Press Club during International Women's Day in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on March 8, 2017.
Getty Images
Women of the Italian Army and Police attend the International Women's Day Celebrations at Palazzo del Quirinale on March 8, 2017 in Rome, Italy.
Jessica Chastain on nationwide women strike in in Warsaw, Poland, on March 8, 2017, to commemorate International Women's Day.
Women shout slogans and hold banners as they demonstrate in central Ankara to commemorate International Women's Day, on March 8, 2017.
Indian policewomen tie ribbons onto each others uniforms in Dehradun on March 8, 2017, as they mark International Women's Day.
Members of the All India Democratic Women's Association take part in a rally on the occasion of International Women's Day in Hyderabad, India, on March 8, 2017.
Police women holding truncheons stand guard as women's group Gabriela hold a rally to celebrate International Women's Day near the US embassy in Manila on March 8, 2017.
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McWilliams First Officer Sue Barrett (left) and Captain Kate McWilliams before an EasyJet flight from Gatwick Airport prepared and operated entirely by women to mark International Women's Day.

"Trump is terrifying. His entire administration, they have no respect for women or our rights," said 49-year-old Adina Ferber, who took a vacation day from her job at an art gallery to attend the demonstration. "They need to deal with us as an economic force."

Rallies also took place in Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, San FranciscoBoston and Milwaukee.

Schools in Alexandria, Virginia, and Prince George's County, Maryland, were forced to closed Wednesday after hundreds of teachers and other employees let it be known they would be out.

"The decision is based solely on our ability to provide sufficient staff to cover all our classrooms, and the impact of high staff absenteeism on student safety and delivery of instruction," Alvin L. Crawley, superintendent of Alexandria schools, wrote in a letter, noting more than 300 people called off work.

In Providence, Rhode Island, the municipal court closed for lack of staff members, NBC affiliate WJAR reported.

La víctima aparentemente no llevaba puesto un casco.

In Washington, more than 20 Democratic female representatives walked out of the Capitol to address a cheering crowd of several hundred people.

Dressed in red, the lawmakers criticized efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi encouraged more women to go into politics, saying, "You have marched for progress. Now you must run for office."

Hundreds of women dressed in red and holding signs with photos of their local lawmakers gathered at the Utah Capitol to remind legislators they are closely watching how they handle women's issues.

Some businesses and institutions said they would either close or give female employees the day off.

The owners of the Grindcore House in Philadelphia closed their vegan coffee shop, where eight of the 10 employees are women.

"The place definitely wouldn't run without us," said Whitney Sullivan, a 27-year-old barista who planned to attend a rally.

The U.S. event — inspired in part by the Day Without an Immigrant protest held last month — was part of the U.N.-designated International Women's Day. 

Women's March spokeswoman Cassady Findlay said the action is aimed at highlighting the effect of women on the country's socio-economic system and demonstrating how the paid and unpaid work of women keeps households, communities and economies running.

"We provide all this value and keep the system going and receive unequal benefits from it," Findlay said. 

In New York, a statue of a fearless-looking girl was placed in front of Wall Street's famous charging bull sculpture. The girl appeared to be staring down the animal. A plaque at her feet read: "Know the power of women in leadership. SHE makes a difference." Organizers also planned a gathering in Central Park and a march through downtown Manhattan.  

As part of the Day Without a Woman protest, women were also urged to refrain from shopping.

In the Bay Area, women were encouraged to flex their economic muscle and hundreds joined rallies in San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland. 

Several South Florida women's groups also planned several rallies, including one outside the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Field Office in Miami, NBC Miami reported.

Former President Barack Obama took to Twitter to acknowledge the important role of females on International Women's Day, tweeting: "@MichelleObama and I are inspired by all of you who embrace your power to drive change."

Trump also saluted in a tweet "the critical role of women" in the U.S. and around the world. He tweeted that he has "tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy."

Ivanka Trump echoed her father's sentiments, tweeting: "Today, we celebrate women and are reminded of our collective voice and the powerful impact we have on our societies and economies."

First lady Melania Trump marked the day by hosting a luncheon at the White House for about 50 women.

The White House said none of its female staff members skipped work in support of International Women's Day.

Some criticized the strike, warning that many women cannot afford to miss work or find child care. Organizers asked those unable to skip work to wear red in solidarity.

Monique LaFonta Leone, a 33-year-old health care consultant in Colorado Springs, Colorado, had to work but put on a red shirt and donated to charity, including Planned Parenthood.

"I have bills to pay, but I wanted to make my voice heard, no matter how quiet," she said. "I also wanted to make a statement to say that women are doing it for themselves. We're out here in the workforce and making a difference every day."

Women make up more than 47 percent of the U.S. workforce and are dominant among registered nurses, dental assistants, cashiers, accountants and pharmacists, according to the census.

They make up at least a third of physicians and surgeons, and the same with lawyers and judges. Women also account for 55 percent of all college students.

At the same time, American women earn 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. The median income for women was $40,742 in 2015, compared with $51,212 for men, according to census data.

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